Thank you for sharing your time, MP Longfield.
I have a comment for Minister Bains. My brother lives in Taiwan. They're not testing a lot of people there. If you look at the world stats, it's 2,600 tests per million there, compared to 20,000 here in Canada.
Their solution is very simple. They had their first presumptive case on the same day that Canada did. They're down to 429 cases. They've had only six deaths. They just have masks. Everybody wears masks. You can get three masks at the pharmacy. They're like the surgical masks, not the N95, but like those that are made with the K10S pulp that's produced here in my riding, at Harmac. You get three masks a week. In every building you go into, there's hand sanitizer where you enter.
They're not using contact tracing. They're not testing everybody. My brother teaches there. The kids all wear masks, and he wears a mask. They shut down the school for two weeks, and that was it. We need a solution like that here in Canada, so that we can produce masks for citizens and get the economy up and running again.
I also want to know what's being done about the issue of the Internet. I have some constituents who live half a kilometre away from a major development, and Telus and Shaw are saying that it will cost $5,000 for them to get high-speed Internet half a kilometre down the road.
These are two issues that I'm interested in hearing about.