I could talk briefly about the work we're doing on testing specifically.
ISED's primary role is to work to try to build the Canadian industrial capacity for personal protective equipment and testing. Members will have seen that global supply chains have proven themselves to be very challenging in this environment.
With regard to testing in particular, in our main role we work with the Public Health Agency, the health ministry, the procurement ministry and some of the sectoral ministries to identify all of the components needed to do the testing at volume. That's with regard to both the lab-based test and the point-of-care test.
For example, as the minister mentioned, we ran a competitive process to identify Canadian companies that could make point-of-care tests, and we had a jury that looked at whether a company was able to scale up quickly, whether the technology would be approved by Health Canada and whether it had good tech that would deliver a good test result. We're going to be moving forward shortly to try to scale up some of those firms. That's just one example.