You are describing Bell and Vidéotron as the main providers. They're the incumbents. They've been there the longest. They have all the advantages and privilege of incumbency, and they're the best known. They do own the wires, but TekSavvy probably provides service in your area and lots of other competitors probably do, too. You actually have lots of choices for providers.
It's on the same wires, and what you don't want to do in an urban area is encourage more providers to build more fibre to your home. There's already technology that goes to your home that can carry the traffic that you need. You might need to add capacity—I keep seeing your signal levels drop there—but there are already wires going to your home, so you don't need to incentivize more companies to build more wires. What the government and the CRTC need to do, and what the CRTC tried to do last year, to their credit, with setting their wholesale rates, is enable competitors to use those wires to deliver services so customers have real choices where they already have that connectivity.