That's the point I was getting at around the money. It sounds so silly to keep coming back to it, but that's why the current approach hasn't worked: because it has been waiting for companies to do it themselves, and they have been so reliant on what would be profitable.
As we've all agreed on this call, the Internet is essential. Everyone needs it. If it's essential, that's where the government needs to step in. It sounds so easy when I say it that way, but it's hard because it's a lot of money. Hearing Mayor Arnold talk about what that costs for each home, that makes a really big difference in the lives of the people who live in that house. The larger companies in particular have really put an amount on the dollars they can get back. That's why this does require the government to step in. If we don't put forward a plan that will subsidize that to make sure those families know they matter.... Those companies don't because it's not profitable.