Thank you. It's a great question, and I believe it is doable were we to get an alignment of the release of the monies of that magnitude you talk about to make it worthwhile nationally. I believe that if you can align private capital with provincial and federal capital, you can get a great contribution on the part of everyone to make these projects economical, and you should have the will then to remove the barriers such as access rights of way and other impediments that typically slow down these projects.
Never before has the circumstance been such that I think you have the foundation where everyone is on the same page, sees the need and should have a bold ambition. If you don't set a bold target with aspirations of completing the work, completing it economically, reporting on the expenditures appropriately and demonstrating that you've provided connectivity to citizens—not to hubs or libraries or schools, but to citizens' homes and businesses—then I think you can say it would be something in our legacy that this country could be proud of.