I think that a lot of what I'm about to say will echo what Madame Arjomandi just said.
When we're talking specifically about the exposure notification API, there is on-device collection of information that is not shared without the consent of the user. They first have to take the step to download an app and then give permission for that information to be collected. Importantly, the information that is collected about their location is actually anonymized and randomized. It's not associated with the individual or the device. Rather, it is a reference point for public health authorities if there happens to be a person who has been notified that they're positive for COVID-19. Throughout the process, we're taking specific steps to provide information about the proximity contact of individuals without actually sharing the personal information of those individuals or creating a long-term record about either their travels or their location.
I'd also like to follow up by underlining that we've made an explicit commitment with both the exposure notification API and the community mobility reports to shut those programs down once public health authorities have signalled that the current crisis is under control. Now, it's up to the public health authorities—I don't think we have a definite timeline on that—but we have made that commitment to alleviate any concerns about this being a long-standing complication on your device.