I expect we're going to see full production of masks this week. Things are moving along really well. I'm so proud of the capability of my company in the United States, first of all, to design the machinery to make masks in the first place, to go into our supply chain. One of the key things for us in getting domestic production here in Canada is to source material that we need for masks. We're really good at making cars, but this is a whole new area. We need to be safe. We need to be working with officials to make sure the things we're producing are going to be appropriate.
It's very interesting that in Canada there's a lot of discussion about N95 masks. They are masks that give you a complete face covering. They're really important in certain medical uses. We use them in our paint plants. They probably make up about 5% of the need, and are very important for those health care workers.
I've seen estimates. We are going to need three billion face coverings in Canada. We're going to be making about 10 million of them, but we're going to need a lot more from different sourcing areas. There are other great companies in the automotive sector, like Woodbridge and others, that are also transforming their operations to be able to make masks quicky.
We have some cleanroom space in the Oshawa plant. I thought, let's use it. We worked hard. We got ourselves lined up quickly. We had excellent support from all across the government: Health Canada, Public Services and Procurement Canada and the like. We're going to do this with no profit. We're doing it entirely at cost, and offering our facilities, our expertise, to be able to do it and to do it quickly. We have hired approximately 60 people. We're bringing them back to work in the plant to do this production. They've been trained. We're ready to go.