Sure. I think the smart start has been shared across the board in the auto industry, and it has been cascaded by companies like General Motors and Ford down through the supply base, including our supply base as well.
Everybody should basically learn it and implement what they want. There are different opinions based on different geographic regions, but Canada should all be similar. I do think that other industries can use the same playbook if they want.
I think it is absolutely critical that we get people back to work. We can do it safely. Once we're back to work, we cannot shut down again since we're into the contact tracing, but if I was going to make one point on this panel, it's that we need to get industry going again. We need to get the country going again, because we're going to be bankrupt if we don't.
I don't think it's going to be that difficult. It's going to be a bit more expensive, but I think all the work has been done. It's out there now.