Many countries use IP collectives. In fact, all of these state industries were, at their origins, IP collectives through their telcos and their various industrial Crown corporations around the world. Korea has it. Singapore, France, Japan—they have multiples of them.
Also, we should employ a data trust, which is just another form of collective for data. These are organized tool kits as a result of creating institutions that create an environment in which you can prosper. These are hands-on technical realms.
We have to take charge of our own future, our own destiny, and build our country. Nobody's going to build it for us. We built this country 100 years ago with courage and deliberateness. For some reason, we caught this narrative that it was hands-off 25 years ago, and the whole world was double hands-on.
I did business around the world. Every country is hands-on in its ideas economy. We were the only one I ever encountered that were hands-off on all these things. That's why I'm trying to explain this to you. We don't have to do anything novel; just do what all the other successful economies are doing.