I would draw your attention to figure number 3 of the appendix that I supplied to each one of you. The challenge for Canada is that we misunderstood, in the era of liberalization of tangible trade, that we also needed a hands-on approach for intangibles. We have a 20- to 25-year backlog of strategies that we need to take, not the least of which are investment review, regulation of data, protection of sovereignty, protection of culture and protection of the economy. There is a large list of things that we need to do. Digital policy infrastructure, I think, is the urgent priority for Canada.
If you look at figure number 2 in my appendix, you'll see that in Canada's economy, the proportion of intangibles has not grown in 20 years, while it has soared around the world. I tie those two things together, and they imperil our sovereignty and our prosperity.