Yes. I appreciate the question.
Canada has a severe lack of talent as it relates to cybersecurity. With our program, we've been able to identify the best and the brightest who want to learn about cybersecurity. With Coding for Veterans, what we're proposing is to have a similar program but target it towards unemployed workers.
For the Coding for Veterans program, we have all the people who are interested in enrolling do a 45-minute online assessment that makes sure they have the soft skills and the aptitude to be successful in a job related to cybersecurity. As for the whole reason why that is, at the end of it, we want close to 100% job placement for graduates from the program.
What's interesting is that when you're talking about privacy, and when you're talking about all these other cyber-issues and tracking the bad guys, that all takes people power, and it takes accredited people to be able to do it. Canada has a lack of sufficient talent as it relates to cybersecurity. It's an open secret. We've heard it from CSE and in my own anecdotal evidence from our financial institutions and defence companies. They're clamouring for graduates coming out of our program, so I've said, “Why can we not take this opportunity for those who are unemployed?” If these jobs are surviving this global pandemic, you know that they are stable, good-paying jobs, and people can get back to work.