You're absolutely right. It's not just one piece. Innovation is an important piece; collections, sorting, advanced recycling techniques are another piece. We support extended producer responsibility as well, which is really having the producers commit to taking back their products.
We also support regulation. We think it's an important part of it. It's how you regulate that we're very concerned about. We believe it's really important for the government to fulfill its commitments and to ensure that these plastics do stay out of the environment and that they are properly managed. We understand that a discussion paper will be distributed in the fall. It will have ideas about prohibitions, but about management and exemptions as well.
We're fully supportive of the need to manage this issue and the need to manage plastic pollution. Wherever we can, we think there's an opportunity there, particularly when a CEPA review is about to take place. There's an opportunity there to take a look at the legislation and see how we can beef it up or amend it so that it can directly address the issue of plastics in the environment.