It's very difficult to establish an equivalence between Chinese state enterprises or large Chinese government associated enterprises and anything that exists in liberal democratic countries because these enterprises are closely connected to the ministries of the Chinese state that they respond to. They are required to be governed by their Chinese Communist Party branch. If you look at the organogram of any of them, including Huawei, the Communist Party branch is at the top and the board of directors is below that.
From that point of view, they are designed to realize the overall interests of the Chinese state and are therefore able to draw on all the resources of the Chinese state, including military intelligence or other resources to engage in cyber espionage or the ability to acquire information about their competitors' technology and economic operations.
In Canada, BlackBerry for example couldn't call on the CSE to assist them in knowing what Samsung is up to. In the Chinese context, this is natural; it's integrated. They're all the same.