It is certainly a classic argument. We don't know anymore how to come at the problem of the conditions for workers in this industry. Thank you for your questions. I will answer the first one first.
One of the advantages of an order is that it allows companies to compete on a level playing field. It means that no companies are paying very high wages while others are paying very low wages. Everyone provides wages and working conditions that are basically similar. Government orders work. In Quebec, orders have been put in place for certain industries, and they did not automatically inflate prices for consumers.
For example, an order governs the garbage industry around Quebec City and it has not inflated the municipal tax bills of the homeowners in the region. It's a kind of urban myth that companies use to try and get out of having to pay and treat their workers correctly.
This is 2020 and people are paid $15 an hour. Frankly, I think we have to move on to the next step.