I understand.
Turning to chapter 19, Ms. Rempel Garner has canvassed data localization concerns, although I note that we can restrict cross-border data flows if it's in the public interest to do so. We may not have data localization rules per se, but we can have some sort of adequacy standard in the same way that the EU does.
I want to turn to the safe harbour provisions, though. In the last parliament, we looked at the liability potentially attaching to the Facebooks and the Googles of the world going forward, and not only as creators. The agreement says, “except to the extent the supplier or user has, in whole or in part, created, or developed the information.”
So we know Facebook and Google don't create or develop this information. They are hosts, but they use their algorithm to encourage the dissemination of that content, and I'm curious to what extent the safe harbour rules in 19.17 would restrict our ability to make these companies liable for increasing the visibility and views of content through their algorithms.