I'll give you an example. There was recognition, I think, by the different law enforcement agencies that have been dealing with this that there needs to be more coordination. Even though maybe these criminals are working in teams that are close to each other, these victims span across the country. The RCMP is launching a national cybercrimes coordination unit, which will be launching this year, I believe at the end of April. They will be able to better coordinate these cases. When we as victims share our stories, we're often able to almost hear these common denominators between these crimes. We pass that off onto the law enforcement agents who are working on our cases.
As we said, we need codification of these new types of pre-porting notifications and verifications and more transparency around what's going on with the porting. We need to ensure that the telcos are implementing policies and doing it consistently. Finally, I think governments and industry should be studied, in terms of the ones that have sensitive data, on whether they're using SMS-based 2FA, and how we can transition away from that. Otherwise, we put ourselves at the peril of SIM-swapping.