Thank you, Madam Rempel Garner. I understand that one of the Liberal members will share their time with Mr. Manly.
For today's meeting only Minister Ng will be providing an opening statement, and then we will follow with the usual rounds of questions from members. The department officials are here to answer your questions.
Minister Ng will need to leave this meeting at noon, but senior officials will remain to continue answering questions.
I would now like to welcome our witnesses: the Honourable Mary Ng, Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade; and Mr. John Hannaford, deputy minister of international trade. From the Department of Industry, we have Mr. Simon Kennedy, deputy minister; Mr. Paul Thompson, associate deputy minister; and Ms. Frances McRae, assistant deputy minister, small business and marketplace services.
With that, we will now move to testimony by Minister Ng.
Minister Ng, you have 10 minutes.
Thank you.