Yes. Just to pivot away from mobile, of course, and to look back at the wholesale services that are really our bread and butter, it specifically addressed Bell and Rogers' anti-competitive practices where, on the one hand, in front of the CRTC, they have inflated for years the wholesale rates that wholesale-based competitors like us pay. That effectively keeps our competitive pricing high and doesn't allow us to discipline their pricing, thus keeping all retail Internet pricing high across Canada.
At the same time, starting in about 2016, Bell and Rogers both introduced flanker brands, which pretend to be competitors but are not. They're brand names of the incumbents. They introduced pricing that was specifically targeted at undercutting competitors' pricing. So, on the one hand, they were keeping our pricing high, and on the other hand, they were undercutting us in the market.
Our complaint makes the argument that this is an “abuse of dominance”, and it has really squeezed us for the past years. We are unable to price our services low enough to discipline their pricing, which is what a competitor should be able to do, and if we raise our pricing so that we operate within the rates they've set, then we lose customers, because flanker brands are offering services at lower rates.