First and foremost, I think that transferring funds from the federal government to the provincial and municipal governments doesn't necessarily take away the role of the federal government. I think coordination is absolutely key to making sure that there is a coordinated plan across the country.
The existing SWIFT project right now is an example of that funding regime that I talked about. We're funded effectively in equal parts by the federal and the provincial government. The federal government, through Infrastructure Canada, provides funds to the provincial government. The provincial government has a contribution agreement with SWIFT, and they disburse the federal and the provincial funds to us.
In addition to that, the member municipalities of SWIFT have made a contribution in excess of $20 million to the program, and that continues to grow. Effectively, they're all working together in that regime to provide funding, down to the regional level.
I'm sure it doesn't make sense to do regional projects in every case. In southwestern Ontario it absolutely does. We've shown that it can be effective. We have EORN in eastern Ontario. They have a regional project as well that's equally effective. In certain circumstances, there are benefits to pushing that money down to the regional programs.