Again, my forte is more on the accessibility side, but I do have some opinions.
First and foremost, by giving people access to networks, you are effectively handling part of the affordability issue. Right now, we hear from families in southwestern Ontario all the time who have two or three different cellphone plans because they have to tether their computer to a cellphone to get their broadband.
It's not uncommon for me to hear from people who are spending $700, $800, $900, or up to $1,000 a month just on their cellular bill because of this issue. By solving the accessibility issue, I think you are in fact helping to solve some of the affordability.
I do think competition is a good thing in driving down prices. Most of the funding that's out there today requires open access. I think that open access to networks that are funded by the various levels of government is important, and it needs to be done in a fair and transparent way.