I've tried to point out all the successes and the fantastic agreements that have been reached. That said, if you want to make things better for next time, you must know where to focus your efforts.
You must acknowledge that opportunities were missed and that CanSino was a scientific boondoggle at all levels, in my opinion, and even a conflict of interest for a co-chair of the task force.
You said that Canada ranks 58th. That's unfortunate, and we shouldn't be there. What I find even more unfortunate is that there's a disconnect between what we're seeing on the ground and what we're hearing. According to Ms. Nemer, everything is fine, everything is resolved and everything is all right. That's why I said that her remarks seemed to have been reviewed by the government. The president of the National Research Council of Canada made the same remarks on Monday when he appeared before the Standing Committee on Health. However, we aren't seeing this situation on the ground. People don't have access to vaccines. People are dying from COVID-19. In Quebec, 16 health care workers have died from it and there have been 33,000 infections. These 16 deaths could have been prevented.
You must acknowledge this and address the situation for next time, so that more people don't die when they could have been saved.