It's an important question, so thank you.
One model that comes to mind is a partnership between industry, which is already well-equipped to overcome a number of challenges and push ahead with vaccine production, and any academic, government or other institution with the capacity to come up with new technologies. That's a model that would produce faster results.
Nevertheless, other models do exist, such as Brazil's Instituto Butantan. The way that model works, a non-profit organization is responsible for vaccine development and manufacturing. The funding comes from government institutions insofar as they purchase the vaccines produced by the institute. However, the institute is totally independent of the government. The model is in place in other countries as well, not just Brazil.
Everyone knows I'm outspoken. What I said was not meant as a criticism of the NRC. I was simply pointing out that the model was not one I had seen elsewhere, other than the countries I mentioned. When a federal government produces vaccine doses for its citizens, it will, of course, have numerous challenges to overcome.