Thank you very much.
That brings us to the end of the third round.
I'd like to thank all of the witnesses and our MPs today for excellent questions and excellent testimony. This has been very helpful for us.
With that, I will bid you adieu and thank you for your time today.
Before we adjourn, I want to remind the members of Parliament to please get their witness lists for the aerospace industry study to the clerk preferably by end of day tomorrow so that we can start inviting folks and make sure that the headsets that they require have time to get to them. Please send your lists to the clerk in priority order preferably. It doesn't need to be a complete list. If you have additional witnesses you'd like to include after, feel free to send those along.
Again, thank you to the clerk, to our analysts and to everyone in the room that makes everything that we do possible.
I want to sincerely thank the interpreters for their work.
With that, this meeting is adjourned.