The airport is a community. We can't forget that. We talk about the pilots and the people on the aircraft serving passengers and things like that, but there's everything that goes on around it. There are small communities within the airports. There are baggage handlers, customer service agents and representatives, concession stands inside the airports, screeners who check security for people getting on to airplanes and all that.
There's a multitude of jobs we don't talk about. We talk about the mechanics, we talk about the people who make the airplane fly, but there's all the bustle and the hustle around those communities. Regional routes are going to be very important because if large carriers decide not to serve regional routes, like what's happening right now, the prices are going to be out of control. When it goes to certain private industries, to be able to travel from point A to point B is going to cost a fortune within Canada. It's really important to support regional routes.