Thank you very much for your question, Mr. Poilievre. It's great to see you.
I have a few comments on this. You are right. A safe restart is our priority. Wage supports are our priority. Our priority is not additional debt or loans at this time. That was the subject of the letter all the committee members received from our CEO before Christmas, so we have been pretty clear about that. Then again, I need to repeat that our negotiations are under NDA.
With respect to who has unlocked this equation, we have a policy answer here at home in Alberta. In Alberta, the Public Health Agency of Canada and Dr. Hinshaw worked on a pilot that reduced quarantine and effectively tested. It was a very innovative project, and it was specifically designed, Mr. Poilievre, to answer the question we face today in Canada, which is how we safely restart.
Dr. Hinshaw has given great testimony about how that pilot actually caught the variant and helped limit the spread of the variant. So, when we look at the policy answers, we think the application of that pilot as a national policy for May 1 is probably the most logical because it—