Maybe we can get the specific dates that are proposed so that they actually fit the time slots as suggested.
Also, given the urgency of the red tape study, I want to confirm and make sure that if this is a true priority, we don't bump any of those meetings, because I didn't say to get rid of them.... I'm glad that Pierre has found interest in this for the aboriginal communities and their urgency, but the reality is that I'm wondering whether or not this is going to push down the rest of the agenda. We need to have specifics on that. Can we maybe take a brief time here to draw out those dates and have something specific in front of us? Then we can check our calendars as well.
As well, I also suggested that we reduce the presentation time for the witnesses so that we can get witnesses here and not be shortchanging the individuals who want to present and have this basically dominated by a few, as opposed to making sure that we can shuffle through extra people if necessary.