Thank you for the question.
Of the Shaw corporation's business, 80% is cable, landline, Internet and TV. It's roughly 97% of the company's cash flow. The CRTC will review whether the licence for the cable and Internet business should be transferred to Rogers as part of this proposed merger.
Those businesses really do not overlap in any material way. We are the cable provider in Ontario, New Brunswick and Newfoundland. Shaw is the cable provider in the four western provinces. We will certainly put our thoughts forward with respect to the CRTC, but we fully expect that, as the cable industry has grown up through the process of combination and amalgamation, this is yet one more opportunity to combine for strength and amalgamation.
Bear in mind that even when Rogers and Shaw come together, we would still be smaller than Bell Canada as it relates to the wireline business. That critical mass and balance sheet will only serve to support the future needs of Canadians.
As it relates to the wireless question, we're open and flexible as to how to best solve any questions the Competition Bureau may have on that front. Once we have a chance to sit down with the Competition Bureau through a public process that will listen to voices from across all corners of Canada, I'd be happy to have a discussion about how to best strike that balance. It's premature at this point to do or say something, when we haven't really started that process in earnest.