Okay. The reason I asked that question was for clarity. Thank you for that.
One of the things that I believe we've been doing wrong in our auctions is just trying to do a money grab—about $25 billion over the last number of years since the year 2000—and what I would prefer to see is a spectrum auction with higher degrees of standards of rollout, protection for lower prices for base services, and expectations that if you don't use it, you lose it. It would be almost like an RFP process. We would allow more access in for more cost-effective measures to be the incentive of the use of the spectrum versus that of the cash grab, so to speak.
If that were a policy like some other nations have done, do you think that your company, as well as others that are trying to expand their markets, might do better instead of having to borrow money on the market and then service that debt as you're expanding into the customer base that you want to grow?