I would respectfully disagree. When we look at Canada's wireless market in particular, there was a report released just this week that again shows we pay the highest prices in the world, and the direct correlation is the number of providers that we have.
Implying that having three national providers and the fourth carrier struggling to keep up is too many players is implying that they are comfortable with monopoly. I don't think that is the world we are trying to build. I don't think that's the telecommunications network and system that we need.
When we look at what has happened with consolidation in the U.S. and the Sprint and T-Mobile merger, that is another good example of what we can expect here. We saw jobs lost. We saw prices go up, and we did not see any of the promises kept. A consistent theme we see throughout these mergers is that there is a lot of talk to justify them at the time, but at the end of the day, it's about money.