I should tell you that that's incorrect. We have never said we were opposed to resellers. On the contrary, we think they encourage competition. So we're in fact in favour of their being in the market.
However, you have to see what the resale conditions are. As you know, a decision has been made, and the government has said it wants to review it. It has asked the CRTC to review its homework, as it were.
There has to be a balance in everything. If you pull an elastic band too hard from one end or the other, it may snap. Were the prices previously charged too high? I don't think so. You have to take many factors into consideration and perform a complex calculation in order to set prices. Never forget that, when you say third-party Internet access, or TPIA, you talking first and foremost about all Internet access, not wireless services. Wireless services are currently covered by an authority. So we'll see how things turn out.
You also have to understand that wireless assets aren't the same as in the wired services sector. The wired sector has no spectrum component.
So it's incorrect to say we're opposed to TPIA. We're in favour of it, but a fair price has to be determined based on past investment by network builders. You also have to avoid creating an environment that doesn't encourage operators to invest in maintaining the network quality we have in Canada, which is among the best. Citizens and businesses must continue to enjoy a network conducive to very high productivity. Never forget that a telecommunications network is an essential tool to a country's productivity.