That's a great question. I think Ben earlier referenced the prospect that SaskTel would be next on the shopping list for some of the players if this goes ahead.
I think that in some ways the Manitoba deal set this up. It sent the message that it was possible to get these deals through as long as you provided a grab bag of goodies and just said, “Hey, look at all the nice things you're going to get if you pass this.”
But then we do see that there is a cost to be paid. We've seen it in terms of the kind of innovation in pricing that takes place in that market. If the signal coming out of this is that this goes ahead, then I think it becomes open season for some of those remaining players. If we stop it here, I think it reaffirms that strong signal that consumers and competition are the policy priority in the country, and as long as we twin it with things like MVNOs, as we've been hearing about, there is at least the prospect of better competition and better pricing in the country.