First off, you referred to what Mr. Wood would want, but earlier today Mayor Wood talked about the story we all remember of long distance. Most of us should remember spending 30¢ a minute per call from Montreal to Toronto. Those days are long behind us because of service-based competition. We would all remember paying $40 or $50 a month for home phone. Those days are behind us due to service-based competition. It's much the same with Internet, although it's sort of faltered in the past couple of years. That's important to understand.
The other side is regarding investment. There are two pieces there. Number one is that the CRTC designs these rates with the cost to build it [Technical difficulty—Editor]. They take the cost of capital. They take the cost to build. They take interest. They take everything, and plus they apply a markup. All the [Technical difficulty—Editor] ability to directly monetize, or even over-monetize, Canadians. That's all that service-based competition limits.
The other thing I'll just throw out there is that we're talking about the same companies that are receiving millions, or in many cases billions, of dollars of public money and then whining that they need to get a better return. Public money—