I'd like to add a couple of points.
I think Robin is dead right. The experience of Mayor Wood there is spot on. The interesting thing is that Mayor Wood's experience is replicated across the country. It has been for over a century.
I think there are a couple of really important things right now. One, the CRTC has just concluded its rural broadband barriers initiative. The story is all laid out there, the evidence is all laid out there, and there's a problem. One of the problems there is the lack of regulatory fortitude. As I like to say, the regulator needs to steel its spine.
The second thing is that we have to stop juxtaposing MVNOs versus the fourth maverick player. As soon as T-Mobile in the United States was told that it couldn't [Technical difficulty—Editor] by AT&T, one thing it did was to open up its wholesale access infrastructure to MVNOs. MVNOs in the United States took off. So we need both. It's not either-or.
I will stop there.