I'll field that question from Mr. Poilievre.
We've actually done a tremendous amount of work in this area advocating for regulatory reform in Canada to allow for more competition. We put out a competition assessment tool kit that we encourage all levels of government, as you said, sir, to use to examine their regulations with a view to reducing or eliminating regulations that impede competition, because this can open up our economy, drive productivity and drive growth.
We've done a ton of work. I've spoken to this publicly in speeches, and I've pointed to an OECD indicator—the product market regulation indicator. Sadly, the last version of it, from 2018, put Canada second last in the OECD in terms of regulatory barriers to competition. We've also advocated publicly that Canada ought to consider following the model of a productivity commission that Australia had in the 1990s, which really focused on these competition issues.