The main one is the one that I've appeared on today, the private access for abuse of dominance, which not only, I think, would have broad cross-party support, but it's also pretty widely supported within the competition bar itself. The C.D. Howe Institute put out a paper a couple years ago on private access to abuse of dominance, and the members of that panel are senior economists and senior members of big, downtown Toronto law firms. The majority of that group thinks there should be access granted for abuse of dominance. I think that's really a no-brainer.
Another one, possibly, is dealing with the leave test itself. Some of the private action components where you can seek leave require that a company show that they've been directly and substantially affected by the conduct in question, and we have some tribunal jurisprudence where 22% impact on a competitor was found to not be enough of an effect to bring a case before the tribunal. I think that really hampers the effectiveness of private access to the tribunal.
Those are the two main ones that I see off the top of my head.