I think one of the easiest practically but maybe not easiest politically would be to significantly increase the budget of the commissioner of competition. If the commissioner of competition had significantly more resources to deal with these issues, then one assumes that he would.
I don't think it's a question of any sort of wilful neglect or anything like that. I think, really, there are matters that take urgent priority. Criminal enforcement for price fixing and bid rigging, obviously, is one of them. The mandatory merger review is another. It's just a question of using whatever money is left to deal with these abuses of dominance and other civilly reviewable matters.
I don't think it's a question of structural change as far as what the commissioner's role is. I think that it's a matter of giving significantly more money to the commissioner to fulfill that mandate. One way to ease the burden would be to allow private litigants to bear some of that burden themselves.