I would love to see us get away from having the lowest common denominator dictate the regulatory burden for all businesses. I think that it's very destructive, not just directly for the businesses but for all Canadians, because it undermines our economic growth and our productivity, our prosperity. These are things that are always important, but I think coming out of COVID-19 there's an extra importance on making sure we're doing everything we can to get back to a prosperous economy.
What does that take? Again, I said that technology can help with this. There are instances where we can use AI to determine the risk. I think we could do a much better job of giving businesses and individual citizens with good track records with government compliance a lighter touch when it comes to things like auditing. They can earn that and then have that good grade, and then there are ways to focus on the highest risks for Canadians and who the higher-risk actors are, the ones we need to pay attention to, maybe auditing them a little bit more. When we do that, health and safety outcomes will be improved across the board.