Absolutely, and thank you for your question.
What's happened here with e-commerce and the pandemic is that a lot of businesses have moved to online platforms. Traditionally, we had these brick and mortar locations and we've gone online to do sales channels, but they are not separate. They are actually integrated.
We have this new hybrid economy, where you have to be competent in both areas. That has also created confusion, especially amongst different agencies. From my personal experience, these were agencies that wanted to help by reaching out. For example, if you have the CFIA or the different trade commissioners, the question became, “How do I export to the United States or how do I export to different provinces?” Everything they were given, everything they were told and everything that they have dealt with was related to B2B, business-to-business sales, where you sell to another business or to a distributor and then they sell the products to stores.
Well, what e-commerce has done is that it has taken the consumer right to the business, so it falls into this new category, which many are just unaware of how to operate around. It's not their fault. It's something that's relatively new to a lot of people. That has created a lot of confusion. That has created—