I think you need to resurrect it and house it either independently or at the most senior level reporting into the Prime Minister's Office and then the PCO, or part of that. It's so important that we build this expertise.
If I may, I'm hearing a lot of comments on industrial strategy. We've had industrial strategies for decades in Canada. We spend lots of money on superclusters, on the strategic innovation fund, and those have been topped up. We have to understand that this is not about industrial strategy. This is about appreciating the role of government in an intangible economy. You need to house a very expert zone that makes sure that we actually prevail in this.
I'm not talking about more money or less money. We're first world in our inputs but third world in our outcomes. Whether this is for $100 million or $1 billion or $10 billion, this is about changing our outcome. It has to be a place that guides all of these decisions at the most senior level, and it has to be experts. It has to interact with global experts, domestic experts in this, or we will find that we don't get the returns for the money we spend.
We've invested [Technical difficulty—Editor] for decades, yet we keep getting shorter and shorter returns, which is Einstein's definition of insanity. It's the approach that's our issue.