We have the motion before us. Is there any further debate on the motion?
Before we go to the vote, I'll read it one more time:
That in relation to the study of the proposed acquisition of Shaw by Rogers a call for briefs of a maximum of five pages be issued and that the deadline for the receipt of these briefs be no later than Friday, April 30, 2021 at 4 p.m.
I don't see that we need a recorded division.
(Motion agreed to)
Thank you very much, MP Poilievre.
That wraps up our time for today. I'd like to thank the witnesses for being with us. That was extremely helpful testimony.
For those who will be submitting briefs, please submit them to the clerk directly. If they are not translated in both official languages, he will make sure that is done so that they can be circulated to the committee. All documentation for the committee must be circulated in both official languages.
With that, I will gently remind you, colleagues, that if you have not had a chance to get your witnesses in for the green recovery study, that is beginning next week. Please get those to the clerk so that we can make sure to invite folks and send them headsets in advance of the meeting.
Once again, I'd like to thank the interpretation services staff for their hard work.
To our analysts, our clerk, and all the folks in the room who make this all possible, thank you so much for your help.
The meeting is adjourned.