Multiply this story, everyone, times thousands of businesses across the country that could be hiring and paying wages with this money. Instead, they're spending the money filling out paperwork for the government, to achieve precisely nothing above and beyond what was achieved 50 years ago in three or four days with a few thousand dollars to get the same approval done.
That is the gatekeeper economy. It drives down jobs and wages and drives up consumer prices because businesses of course have to pass on these costs to the consumer and to the worker.
Tim, the consultants say, “Don't worry about all of this paperwork. We'll do it for you. You pay us a fee, and then we'll go and get you a grant from a bunch of government departments to compensate you for all of the costs that government has imposed on you.” In other words, they block you from building, and then they subsidize you to build.
Suppose you had two options. Option one is that the government gets out of your way, gives you a simple, clear, safe approval and lets you build with your own money. Option two is that they delay you for four or five years and charge you $600,000 but then offer you a taxpayer-funded grant to compensate you for those costs. Which of those two options, as an entrepreneur, would you prefer?