Thank you so much. That ends our last round of questions.
Before we adjourn, I want to give the members an update, but I'd like to thank the witnesses for being here today and for their excellent testimonies.
Thank you so much.
We very much appreciated your testimony.
The witnesses, if they'd like to log off, may do so.
I'm asking the members to stay on for just a few seconds, because I've asked the clerk to circulate to you a draft schedule for between now and June, so that you'll know what we're working on, just to give you an update.
You will have received the draft version one of two reports, one on affordability and accessibility in telecommunications, as well as one on the domestic manufacturing capacity for COVID-19. I'm going to ask the members to review those reports, and as we did with the last report, it was helpful to actually submit to the analysts and the clerk your suggested edits and then they can incorporate those suggested edits and we discuss them at a drafting meeting, because it's helpful to have both languages of edits, rather than trying to read them in real time.
If that's the will of the committee, I think it worked well for us last time. I would ask that the members review these two draft reports, and provide to the clerk any changes to the reports by Friday, April 30, which will give the analysts time to incorporate them and also make sure we have the translation of any edits. They will provide us version two of both reports, which we will work on the week of May 24. You'll see in the draft schedule that we have circulated le plan de match for the spring session, so that you can be adequately prepared.
I wanted to make sure you all knew what we were looking at, because we'd like to get as many reports finished before the end of June so we can table them in the House.
Are there any questions or comments on that? I know you received them only at the beginning of the meeting, but I think this will be helpful for everybody in terms of planning.
Do you have any questions?