First of all, in terms of the four-point plan towards sustainability—and because of COVID in particular—over the past year, our priority has been more immediate support for the industry and looking into the next part of your question, actually: that we don't fit into one federal department. That's always been our challenge.
Our institutions are non-profit, volunteer-run, but they, historically, have been founded on agriculture, 4-H shows and animal competitions. They've grown to be pillars of tourism, community economic development and Canadian heritage, so we touch all of those departments in different ways. Because of that, we haven't found a home. Everyone keeps on batting us from one department to another, and that's been one of our biggest challenges in terms of getting support and ownership.
It's the same thing even in the context of sustainability and green initiatives. I would be fearful, depending on where the initiatives go, that they wouldn't be accessible to us because we're not categorized in the right department.
We'll definitely be taking this four-point plan forward in our conversations and hoping that we are included in whatever proposals come out.