The clean future act is legislation that is making its way to the house floor, so it's obviously legislation that's still being considered. I thought the comments that I brought as a witness would be appreciated by all parties of this committee, in terms of the idea of a highly decentralized mandate for each federal agency to plan for its contribution to Canada's achieving its goal of reducing emissions by 45% by 2030.
I think this is the only way we're going to achieve what we need to achieve. I say that because I think traditionally in Canada, the ministry on which your committee is focused has not had a mandate to report on the progress of the industry. I'm afraid we can see that in the lack of industrial policy for electric vehicles. The fact that the U.S. is taking this structure, the highly decentralized approach, under which every agency has to come up with a plan and report to Congress in a way that is transparent, and such that citizens can review and see progress and consider the plan before it's finalized, I think is really relevant. This committee could request that of the minister with information on all of the industries that are within the purview of the ministry.