When I was doing a lot of my border work I met a gentleman named Stan Korosec who did a lot of border work for Sarnia and for Windsor. He actually was an OPP officer and later on he got special training on how to use the environment for security instead of putting up fences and so on.
We had the Toronto Community Benefits Network here.
Is there an opportunity to get our young people into different areas? For instance, there is a bridge being built and I know you and others have been supportive for a national urban park in that area.
What are the opportunities of getting young people into a skilled trade, so to speak, for some of these infrastructure projects? It could be transferable skills or it could be skills they could use in other places. It was similar when I was growing up. People would go tree planting from one place to another.
Is there a real opportunity here for jobs that could be transferable and used in multiple locations, almost like a high-degree trainable asset that would last for young people?