Thank you very much.
That ends our third round for today. I know we are a little bit before time, but we've been really good on time today, so I'd like to thank all of our witnesses for being with us today. It was excellent testimony.
For the members, if you haven't had a chance, on Friday you received a working paper from the analysts, “A Mineral Intensive Future: Challenges and Opportunities for Canada”, which highlights a little bit of what we heard at the last meeting as well as this meeting. I highly recommend you give it a read. I think it will be very helpful with respect to this study.
With that, I want to thank the witnesses again for being with us, as well as our analysts, our clerk, our IT crew and, of course, our incredible translators, without whom we couldn't be doing what we're doing. Thank you, everyone, for an excellent meeting.
With that, the meeting is adjourned.