Thank you, Madam Chair. Thank you to all the witnesses for being with us today.
I'm going to follow up on the comments of my two colleagues, Mr. Ehsassi and Mr. Jowhari.
Mr. Zacharias, I too printed off the report, “The Next Frontier”, and was examining it. I was really struck by the comments. I enjoyed listening to the comments that this opportunity, as we move to net zero by 2050, provides a huge economic opportunity for Canada, and on the notion that a climate plan is also an economic plan. I agree with your comments on that.
In your report in the section that talks about the advantages, you identify the three: our clean energy, our clean tech and our carbon capture technologies in our supply chain. I want to talk about two of them.
I come from a community that has two hydro-generating facilities. We produce in Niagara, with Beck I and Beck II, the Sir Adam Beck stations, 2,200 megawatts of hydroelectric clean power that's put into the grid.
We talk about the grid and the notion of hydroelectricity and the 83% emissions-free, and so on, but it's an aging grid that's in place. I'm wondering if you've done any studies about what is required, from an investment perspective, to update our grid, to take advantage of the growth that's going to be required in the future.