I think you're correct, but what I wasn't able to say in my original comments—I hope you get a distribution from the clerk—was that Steve Koonin, the former undersecretary under Obama, also said we can't overestimate the idea that somehow climate change is going to have a negative economic impact.
Specifically to health—this may be completely converse to what we are thinking today, but it wasn't 10 or 12 years ago—without fossil fuels, without hydrocarbons, you wouldn't have the kind of protection of a civilization, you wouldn't see the proliferation of civilization, as you're seeing today. While climate change may be connected, which I don't for a minute doubt, debate or dispute, to other issues, it's also one of the main reasons our fossil fuels, the things we're trying to get rid of, have a lot to do with increasing, improving and protecting.
Think of PPE here. They're made of fossil fuels—