Thanks very much, Chair.
Mr. McTeague, first, thank you for your service. I know that you served a significant amount of time. This job isn't always easy, so I do appreciate that.
You and Ali were going back and forth about science. Obviously, we should listen to the science. Obviously, we have obligations to the international community. But this is also about our kids. It's also, frankly, about jobs.
You said it is a “nice idea”, and I think the contrast you're trying to make there is that this is a nice idea, but there are more pressing matters for Canadians. Perhaps I can put it in a different context. If I went back to my constituents and said, “Well, we should address pandemic risk—it's a nice idea—but I'm really focused on affordability right now,” don't you think my constituents would say, “Nathaniel, you should be focused on reducing pandemic risk”?