That's a big subject.
I brought a few samples in, which are real projects we're involved in. In fact, 73% of every medical device in the world uses plastic, and that number has been growing by about 2.5% per year. It's unbreakable, hygienic and mouldable. That's big.
I could bring EpiPens and blood tubes. Last week, I was working on new syringes, because as a result of the pandemic, we found that we have a global shortage of one- and three-gram syringes. We're talking about new releases of technology for syringes that also protect health care workers better.
Shampoo bottles and cellphones couldn't be made. We provide technology to help make these devices today. There's not an electronic communication device that wouldn't use plastic. Cars, makeup and the containers for the food and beverage we're familiar with, glasses, contact lenses and all the PPE used today use it.